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Game Name : Jump Start Adventures: 3rd Grade
System : Macintosh
Date Added : 2002-10-11 23:57:46
Views : 15678
A note to parents. A little dexterity is required to win this game, so it may not be a good choice if your child has poor eye- hand coordination. There is no violence in this game.
Okay, lets see. When you begin the game, sign in and you find yourself in a classroom. Out the window is mystery mountain, the home of the inventor Professor Spark and his daughter Polly. Pick up the transquizzer, the flashing thing on the left. Soon a robot comes crashing through the window. His name is Botley and he's programmed to keep an eye on Polly. Today, after coming home from school, she activated the professor's time machine and sent 25 robots back in time. Each one is supposed to alter history in some way. Botley and you jet off and land a little roughly at the door to mystery mountain. Then a monitor appears with Polly on it. She explains that at school she wrote some joke answers to a quiz. After she get a zero she decided, rather then tangle with her father, alter history to match her answers. Now your first challenge is simply getting into the mountain. Let's continue.
Now, click the doorbell. Three of the six door panels light up in order. Click on each one in the correct order and the first of six locks opens. To open the remaining locks you must repeat more panels. Each panel has a musical note. Don't worry - it's easy. After opening the door Botley gives you a utility belt. Let's take a closer look:
Back button: When you're doing an activity in the mountain, click here to go back to the hall. From the hall click here to exit the game. Energy button: As you play the games in the mountain power drains away. You may need to go to the generator to power up. Hint button: Click here and Botley will give you a quick tip. Inventory button: You'll store some things here. Leveling console: Click here and a panel pops up. Click on one of the three levels of difficulty to make the game harder or easier. Only active in certain games. Invention point display: This shows how many invention points you've earned on that mission. You'll need them to access the time machine.
Now that we're inside the mountain, Botley gives you a tour of the first floor. Then he picks up the first quiz disk and plugs it into the transquizzer. Click on the inventory button to go to the transquizzer screen. Click on one of the five butons at the bottom. A question appears on the left side of the transquizzer. Now click the yellow button on top. Your mission has now begun. As for which one to choose, it doesn't really matter because you'll need to do all of them eventually. Now, once Mrs. Winkle (Polly's teacher) has asked the question and Polly given her crazy answer, click the inventory button to put away the transquizzer. Polly appears on a monitor and tells you the four mission clues you'll need to bring back the robot, as well as which robot she sent. Botley will now sense out the first floor for clues.
You must go to each place where he says a clue is, play the game there and get the clue. Also, you'll need 1000 invention points. Generally you'll get those points in the process of getting the clues. On the later quiz disks, you need more invention points. If you have all the mission clues but not enough invention points, play your favorite games around the mountain until you get them. On each quiz disk you need 500 more invention points then on the previous points. If you're wondering what I'm talking about, well after you get the first five robots back Polly gives you another quiz disk with five more questions. You must complete five quiz disks, play 25 missions, and rescue all 25 robots. This is a big undertaking. Ready? Okay, lets go. Remember that on each mission clues will only be at four of the eight possible places. Their placement is random, and I'll have to tell you about the game at each place. On each mission except the first you start at the top of the mountain, so that's where I'll start.
This is one of the longest games in the program. Okay, here's the scoop - Polly's launched one of her fathers spaceships into a constellation of stars somewhere in the universe. On the ship is a mission clue. Of course, space is huge, so you'll need some help. Polly will send a hint - your only hope of finding the mission clue - to a distant black hole. Luckily, Professor Spark launched some deep-space probes to the black hole. They can withstand its gravitational pull. Click on the telescope and you'll get a view of the black hole and can start the first of three steps to getting that mission clue.
You'll be looking at the black hole. One of the probes will move into the black hole. Its laser will be pointing up. As you play, sometimes parts of Polly's transmission will be beamed onto the black hole and rotate around it, spiraling in. Press the arrow keys to move the probe's laser. Press spacebar to fire a laser ball out. If it hits a radio packet, the packet will be knocked one ring outward. If it is already on the outer ring it will be knocked out of the black hole and appear at the top of the screen. You've got enough of Polly's message and can return to Earth once you get four radio packets. But, every few fires a light in the top right corner disappears. These represent the probe's firepower. Should you run out the probe is destroyed and another one takes over. You have four probes. Here's a strategy that will let you beat this easily: Ignore all radio packets that come in before you can start firing. When a new one comes in, press the fire button quickly and repeatedly to be sure to hit it. Since it's on the outer ring, it will become yours. Whenever you get a packet a new one comes in. Do the same for it, then the next and the next until you have enough. Oh, and be sure to hit any asteroids before they reach your probe. If you play on the higher levels you must not only get more radio packets, but you must deal with comets. The only way to avoid comets is to turn the probe so the comet hits the back of it. If a probe is hit by three comets or asteroids it is destroyed. This is really addictive. Good luck.
Once you have all the packets you'll need, you'll go to the alien decoder, made for unscrambling extraterrestrial messages. The first sentence of the message appears. It is scrambled. Click on a word or words to move them to a different place. Remember: Capital letters always begin a sentence, and it ends with a punctuation mark. Once the sentence is unscrambled it appears below you. The number of sentences you must unscramble is I think equal to the number of radio packets you needed at the black hole. After all the sentences are unscrambled a voice reads it to you. On level three one of the blocks has two words. Once the sentence is correct choose the word that is incorrect and put it in the tray at the right.
Now that you've unscrambled the hint click on the star chart. You must now choose the correct constellation. Click on the lever at the bottom to show all the conversations. Click the globe to change from the northern hemisphere to the southern hemisphere. Click on a constellation to hear a little bit about it. If it matches the hint, click again to select it. To have the hint read to you again click the hint panel below the leveling console. This is tough, as you must know a little bit about constellations. If you're really stuck the game eventually tells you which constellation it is. If you choose correctly, you'll finally get the mission clue! Click on it and pit it in the inventory. If you played the activity just to get invention points you'll get a beautiful gold coin with a brain on it.
Robot maze
Okay, this is shorter and easier then the observatory. Botley is in the upper right corner of this weird obstacle course the professor uses to test his new robots. In the red box in the lower right corner is a mission clue or some invention points. To get Buster, the white robot to reach the box you'll need to make use of the scrambled commands on the left. On the commands west five means five squares west, or left. Be careful not to walk over any quicksand, fall into any pits, or bump into any black robots. If one of these fates befall you then you must start again. Click a command and move it to the place you want it to go. Black robots have predictable movement patterns. Log and bridge commands let you cross a log or bridge in the appropriate direction. Only these commands can be used for this. Jump commands let you jump two squares in the appropriate direction. If you touch a warp pad you'll teleport to another square. Each warp pad always takes you to a specific square. If you want more and more complex commands jack up the level. You must use all of the commands. When you're ready to test your commands click the button at the bottom of the command console. If the robot reaches the box, a mission clue is yours!
This is a very big activity. Okay - the biosphere is a giant dome made of three different biomes, or environments. They are: a desert, a rain forest, a savanna, a mountain, and an ocean. After Polly explains that a mission clue is planted somewhere in the biosphere, click the green button to launch an explorer into the biosphere. Click on the monitor and you can get going!
The explorer starts underground. Press up to blast the explorer's thrusters and send it forward. Press left and right to rotate it. On the left is a special status bar, used only in the biosphere, to give you information. The only two things that are important now are the energy gauge and the clue boxes. The energy gauge starts half full and shrinks whenever the explorer hits something. If the explorer runs out of energy you must start again. The faster the explorer is going the more damage it takes. To boost your energy, fly to sparkles. If you play on a higher level the explorer goes faster and is tougher to control. On levels two and three you'll have to be carful not to thrust too much, as an overpowered thrust can send you ramming into walls before you can slow down. At the top right corner of this area is an airlock. If it is blocked, fly to the airlock at the top left. If it is open you can fly through and into the next area. If it is closed, blast the explorer up to it and it is drawn inside. Polly appears and asks you a question about life science. Click on the correct answer. If you're right, the airlock opens and the answer appears in the first clue box. Keep going up. You must open five airlocks and get five clues to reach the biosphere itself.
Now that you've opened all five airlocks and have five clues, you're in the biosphere dome itself. Watch out for plants that stick up in some of the biomes, and also watch out for the biosphere dome. Now, use your clues. All of them are something in one of the biomes. You start in the desert. Fly right to find more biomes. When you're in the biome you think is correct, press spacebar to launch a probe. If it finds one of your clues down there, the clue lights up. Be careful, you only have 15 probes. If none of the probes find anything, you might want to move to another biome. If you think one biome is correct, then land on the landing pad in that biome. You must be going slowly and land in the center of the pad. Now, click on one of the keys on the console to open it. If you're in the correct biome you get the mission clue! If not, you can try again in a different biome. If you're wrong again you must start over with a new set of clues.
I love this place. Okay, Polly appears on a monitor and tells you that one of the mission clues is miniaturized and hidden in one of Egbert's twelve specimens. She then gives you a clue to where it is. Click the hint button to hear the clue again. Chances are you don't know which specimen it is. If that's the case, click on the analyzer in Egbert's hands. Then click on one of the specimens and Egbert tells you a little bit about it. When you find the specimen that matches Polly's clue, click on it and put it on the pad. Then click on the microscope and Botley will be shrunk down to molecular size and teleported inside the specimen!
Time for a little pinball power! Botley climbs onto the electromagnet at the bottom. Click to launch him. He curls into a ball and jumps off, up to those multi-colored molecules up there. Move the mouse to move the electromagnet. Any molecules he hits pop and disappear. When he comes back down, move the electromagnet under him so that he bounces off it. Botley has ten lives, as indicated by the number of Botley heads below the leveling console. Every time he falls off the screen he loses a life. If he loses all his lives you must start over. The object is to bust as many molecules as you can, until you reach the ball of molecules. Once you can reach it, hit it to destroy its molecules. Some of them might take two hits to destroy. After they're all destroyed hit the orange molecule in the center once. Botley searches inside it and grabs the mission clue - if you're in the right specimen. If not, you must start over. Oh, and there are a few other objects in inner space that you should know about.
Black molecules can't be destroyed Teleports zap you to the other teleport Those weird balls bounce you off in a random direction Little ships bounce you off
The first floor is so big I divided it into two parts. Okay, the kitchen door is locked. A math problem will appear in the two middle rows of cells. Type in the answer to the numbers in the left column. Then press enter and you move to the next cell. The cell you're working on has a red light above it. Confused? Okay, just add together the two numbers in the right column. Type in the answer and pres enter. If it is a two-digit number, type only the first digit. Then click on the cell on the very top, above the second column. Once it has a one in it, type in the answer to the second column. Add the two numbers together and then add one for the number on the top. Type in the answer and you move on to the next cell. Once you've got all the numbers placed and they're correct the number appears on the right and the first lock opens. You must open three locks to get in. Just play a while and you'll get the hang of it.
Now that you're inside the kitchen, Polly tells you that Mort, the robot who helped you back at the door, has the mission clue. Mort has been programmed to only give you the mission clue if you feed him what he wants. Okay, click on the robot feeder, and Mort tells you what he wants. The only thing you have to do is give him the four toppings in the proper amounts. Behind you are several different measuring cups. I call them measuring cups but they are actually different things. The bowl will appear, and what Mort wants is below you on the feeder. I call that area the topping status bar. When the first topping appears on the conveyor belt behind you, click on one of the measuring cups and then click on the topping as it moves down the conveyor belt. Then, move the full measuring cup over to the bowl and click again to dump it into the bowl. Be sure to choose the correct system of measurement - metric, molecular, or cups - for each topping. You must figure out how to use the measuring cups to get the right amount into the bowl. For example, if you need 1 1/8 cups of a topping, you could do that by first putting one cup in the bowl, then putting 1/8 cup in. Hurry, before the topping exits the screen on the left. If you put two much in the bowl, click on the lever and it removes the topping. Then click the lever again to turn the machine back on. If you play on a higher level the amounts on the measuring cups make it tougher to get the right amount. Once you have the right amount of every topping, click on the bowl and it moves to the end of the conveyor belt. If you're correct on every topping you'll get your mission clue!
Jumbo Electro Generator
There is never a mission clue here. If you run out of energy you will be unable to do any games until you come here to power up. Okay, in the inner ring five monitors appear. Each one has a number on it. At the top are twelve batteries. Place two batteries on top of each monitor so that if you add the numbers on the batteries they equal the number on the monitor. If you take too long batteries may be deactivated. Then you must power up that monitor again. Once every monitor is powered up the inner ring is complete. Now you must power up the seven monitors on the second ring. Once both rings are powered up you get restored to full energy. On the higher levels the monitor numbers may be higher, and you may have to do subtraction, multiplication or division instead. It's easy!
Music hall
The first thing to do here is open the door. Botoven, the wall robot, will help you. See the four word spaces on the left? Click a letter tile and then click where you want it to go. If you need help with a word click on the red button next to it and Botoven gives you a clue. You must unscramble the letters to make a word. For each correct word at least one letter will appear on the password space on the right. Once you've got all the words then you must unscramble the password. The password is what the other four words are. Example: words are mother, father, aunt and sister, the password is family. Once you have the password the door opens.
Once inside the music hall, Polly explains that she'll give you a mission clue if you play her a song. Maestro, the robot on the right will help you. A music tablet appears. Click on is and four musical measures appear. Click on Maestro to hear how the piece is supposed to sound. Click on the button next to a measure to hear it played. The measures are mixed up. Click on a measure and then drag it to where you want to put it. Click on one of the six musical instruments on the right to have Maestro use that instrument. The instrument doesn't matter. Click on the play button to hear the measures played in order. If they were in the correct order a Maestro plays the full song for you and tells you a little bit about it. Then you get your mission clue! Note: the leveling console is inactive here.
Painting gallery
This is a pushover. Go into the art gallery and click on the gallery with the yellow picture frames behind you. Polly will only give you a mission clue if you paint her what she wants. She'll tell you what she wants. Click on one of the eight frames. If they're all full, go to one and click the back button on the utility belt. You'll be asked if you want to save your painting - click no. Otherwise click on an empty frame. There's a lot of things here but you only need to worry about two. First, click the landscape button in the top left corner. Choose the landscape that matches Polly's story. Then, click on the button with a face on it, below the landscape button. Click on the down arrow to view more objects. When you find the one or ones that Polly asked for, click on them and then click where you want to put it. Click on the card in the bottom right corner to view Polly's story again. On some of the later paintings you need to add a sound. Click the sound button and then choose the sound you want. When you think the painting is right, click on the back button and you'll be asked if you want to save the painting - click yes. If the painting is right, you get a mission clue! Note: the leveling console is inactive here.
Virtual collection
Ohhh... this is tough. Click on the virtual collection machine and Polly appears. She tells you that a mission clue is in one of the works of art. Click the hint button to hear the clue again. On the right are three works of art. At the top is a category name. Click on the lever to see more works of art. Mrs. Beasley, the art expert robot will help you understand Polly's clue. Click on a work of art to hear more about it. If it matches the clue click again to select it. You must know a little bit about art to solve this puzzle. If you're right, then Polly will give you a puzzle to solve. There are several different types of puzzle. The puzzle is made up of six pieces (more on higher levels) and you can click on a piece to highlight it. Click on another piece to switch them. Click on the rotator button at the bottom of the screen to rotate it. There are things on the edge of a puzzle that you must match up. Each piece has four sides. Once the puzzle is correct you get a mission clue. There are three types of puzzle I know of. They are:
In a math puzzle, on each puzzle piece side is a number or equation. You must match identical numbers, numbers to equations that equal that number, or equations that have the same answer. In a language arts puzzle, you'll need to match synonyms, antonyms, or homophones. antonyms are words with opposite meanings. Synonyms are words that have almost the same meaning. Homophones are words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings. In an art/history puzzle, you'll need to match historical figures, facts or events with similar things. These words will be on the left and right sides of a piece. On the top and bottom will be pieces of art sculptures. You must make it so that the bottom half of an art sculpture on the top of one piece and the top of the sculpture on the bottom half of another piece come together to form a whole art sculpture. Each puzzle has its own historical period that it covers.
Now that you have all the mission clues and enough invention points, go to the third floor and click on the doors to the time machine. Now click on the strange contraption to the left, called the wheel of invention at the left.
Wheel of invention
The wheel of invention is a quiz that prevents robots from going back in time and taunting early computers. But, Polly's reprogrammed the wheel so it's a quiz show. What's it called? Pollywood Squares, of course! On the wheel are your mission clues. Click the on button to start. Now, that bow thing comes to life and introduces himself as Monty Monitor, your host. He'll ask you three questions about each mission clue. Each question is related to the one before it. For each one choose the right answer. The third answer tells you one of the things you need to know about your mission. You need to know what invention or discovery the robot is going to mess up, who's the inventor and where and when is it taking place. Most of these questions are about history but a few are about other subjects. After you get three right answers for a mission clue the wheel rotates to be pointing at another clue. Once you have all the mission clues, click on the thing you've been working for - the time key.
Capturing the robot
After you have the time key click on the time machine. Click on the door to go in. Now that your inside the time machine, some of the mission information is on the panels behind you. Click on Botley and he pulls the lever that starts the machine. On that giant window you'll see the robot doing its work and the inventor making a big mistake. Click on the glowing recall button to take the robot back. Now that you're back in the present, click the back button to leave the time machine. Botley takes the robot into the robot roost, where you keep all the robots you've captured. What to do now? Do another mission of course! The world will only be back to normal if you get all 25. If you want to take a break, click the exit button. When you come back, click the inventory button, and then on the transquizzer to start a mission. Here are two of the funniest missions:
Question: Why was SCUBA gear invented? Polly's answer: Well you know that some diving boards are really high up. At such high altitudes there wasn't enough oxygen to breathe. So, people wore air tanks to breath at those high altitudes and named them scuba. Simple.
Question: What makes milk safe to drink? Polly's answer: Simple. Before you milk the cow, simply heat up the milk bag with a burner. This kills all bacteria in there. Of course, it's not too comfortable for the cows, but it's worth it to make milk safe to drink!
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